Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa, G.A. res. 50/94, U.N. Doc. A/RES/50/94 (1995)

     The General Assembly,
     Reaffirming its resolution 49/107 of 19 December 1994 on the programme
for the Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa, in which it requested
the Secretary-General to report to it at its fiftieth session on the
implementation of the resolution,
     Reaffirming also in particular paragraph 2 of its resolution 49/107,
     Stressing the renewed urgency for promoting industrialization as a key
element in the development of developing countries and the important role of
the United Nations system, including the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization, which is undergoing a process of reform, and recalling the
declarations of the Group of 77 on 29 September 1995, of the Organization of
African Unity on 20 October 1995 and of the Non-Aligned Movement on 28 June
1995, on the essential role of the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization in this regard,
     Recognizing the need for enhanced cooperation between African countries,
the United Nations system and bilateral and multilateral financial
institutions, as well as African regional and subregional organizations, in
the implementation of the programme for the Second Decade,
     Recognizing also the important role of industrialization in promoting
sustained economic growth and sustainable development in Africa in the context
of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s,
     Recognizing further the importance of intercontinental, interregional,
regional and subregional cooperation in the implementation of the programme
for the Second Decade,
     Noting the far-reaching implications of the fundamental developments in
the international environment for development cooperation, including the
conclusion of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, and for
the implementation of the programme for the Second Decade, as well as the need
for concerted national and international action to enable African countries to
cope with the challenges posed by, and benefit fully from, the opportunities
provided by recent developments in international trade, among other things,
and the role of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in this
     Emphasizing the continuing need for the mobilization of adequate
resources through domestic and international initiatives for the
implementation of the programme for the Second Decade, including a favourable
climate for foreign direct investment, private sector development, small and
medium-sized enterprises and enhanced market access,
     Recognizing the need for African countries to use both human and
financial resources more effectively in the process of industrialization,
     Noting with appreciation the various regional and subregional initiatives
and meetings that have taken place, including the Conference of African
Ministers of Industry, held at Gaborone from 6 to 8 June 1995, and the
contribution made by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in
convening and organizing industrial investment forums aimed at the
implementation of the programme for the Second Decade,
     1.   Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the
implementation of the programme for the Second Industrial Development Decade
for Africa (1993-2002);
     2.   Emphasizes the importance of industrial development cooperation and
a positive investment and business climate, at the international, regional,
subregional and national levels, in promoting the expansion, diversification
and modernization of productive capacities in developing countries;
     3.   Requests the United Nations system, in particular the United Nations
Industrial Development Organization and the Economic Commission for Africa, as
well as the Organization of African Unity and all other partners in the
development process, to continue to play an active and more effective role in
the implementation of the programme for the Second Decade, bearing in mind the
undertakings made in this regard in the United Nations New Agenda for the
Development of Africa in the 1990s;
     4.   Encourages African Governments to strengthen national committees for
the Second Decade in order to monitor its implementation effectively and to
fashion effective policy responses to the challenges and the demands posed and
the opportunities offered by changes in the domestic and international
environment for industrialization;
     5.   Emphasizes the continuing need for technical and financial
assistance from the United Nations system and from bilateral and multilateral
sources to complement the efforts of African countries in achieving the
objectives of the Second Decade, as well as the need for African countries to
enhance cooperation among themselves in the areas of industrial policy,
institutional development, human resources development, technology and
     6.   Requests the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to
facilitate the exchange of information among African Governments on activities
carried out nationally in collaboration with the United Nations system and
with the support of bilateral and multilateral partners in connection with the
implementation of the programme for the Second Decade as a contribution to
subsequent reports of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the
     7.   Calls upon the United Nations Industrial Development Organization,
the Economic Commission for Africa and the Organization of African Unity to
enhance their assistance and coordinate their activities in human resources
development for industry, with a view to improving the competitiveness of the
industrial sector in Africa in the light of the globalization of production
and the growth of related trade, investment and technology flows;
     8.   Requests the Secretary-General, in collaboration with all the
relevant organizations, funds and programmes of the United Nations system, to
take into account the implementation of the programme for the Second Decade
when preparing for the mid-term review, in 1996, of the United Nations New
Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s;
     9.   Also requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General
Assembly at its fifty-second session a report on the implementation of the
present resolution.



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