University for Peace, G.A. res. 50/41, 50 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 32, U.N. Doc. A/50/49 (Vol. I) (1995).

      The General Assembly,
      Recalling that in its resolution 34/111 of 14 December 1979 it approved
the idea of establishing the University for Peace as a specialized
international centre for post-graduate studies, research and the dissemination
of knowledge specifically aimed at training and education for peace and its
universal promotion within the system of the United Nations University,
      Recalling also that in its resolution 35/55 of 5 December 1980 it
approved the establishment of the University for Peace in conformity with the
International Agreement for the Establishment of the University for Peace,
      Recalling further its resolutions 45/8 of 24 October 1990 and 46/11 of
24 October 1991, on the tenth anniversary of the University for Peace and the
report of the Secretary-General on that anniversary, and its resolution 48/9
of 25 October 1993, in which it decided to include in the agenda of its
fiftieth session the item entitled "University for Peace",
      Recognizing that the University has suffered from financial limitations
which have impeded the full development of the activities and programmes
necessary for carrying out its important mandate,
      Recognizing also the important and varied activities carried out by the
University during the period 1993-1995, largely thanks to the financial
contributions made by Canada, Costa Rica, the Netherlands and Spain and
contributions by foundations and non-governmental organizations,
      Noting that in 1991 the Secretary-General, with the assistance of the
United Nations Development Programme, established a Trust Fund for Peace
consisting of voluntary contributions in order to provide the University with
the means necessary to extend its sphere of activity to the rest of the world,
to take full advantage of its potential capacity for education, research and
support of the United Nations and to carry out its mandate of promoting peace
in the world,
      Noting also that the University has placed special emphasis, in the
context of the report of the Secretary-General entitled "An Agenda for Peace",
on the area of conflict prevention, peace-keeping and peace-building, as well
as on the peaceful settlement of disputes,
      Considering the importance of promoting an education for peace which
will help to foster respect for the values inherent in peace and universal
coexistence among human beings, such as respect for life, friendship and
solidarity between peoples and the dignity and integrity of persons
irrespective of their nationality, race, sex, religion or culture,
      Taking into account the efforts being made by the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for the development and
promotion of a new culture of peace,
      Noting further the research activities for international peace and
security being carried out by the United Nations University,
      Recalling that Turkey acceded to the International Agreement for the
Establishment of the University for Peace on 27 November 1995,
      Recalling also that in its resolution 46/11 it decided to include in the
agenda of its forty-eighth session and biennially thereafter an item entitled
"University for Peace",
      1.    Reiterates its appreciation to the Secretary-General for the
establishment of the new Council of the University for Peace, which held its
ninth regular meeting on 3 October 1994;
      2.    Requests the Secretary-General to consider ways of strengthening
cooperation between the United Nations and the University for Peace and to
submit a report thereon to the General Assembly at its fifty-second session;
      3.    Invites Member States, non-governmental organizations and
intergovernmental bodies, as well as interested individuals and organizations,
to contribute directly to the Trust Fund for Peace and to the budget of the
      4.    Invites Member States to accede to the International Agreement for
the Establishment of the University for Peace, thereby demonstrating their
support for a global peace studies institution whose mandate is the promotion
of a global culture of peace;
      5.    Decides to include in the agenda of its fifty-second session the
item entitled "University for Peace".



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