Situation of Human Rights in Nigeria, G.A. res. 50/199, U.N. Doc. A/RES/50/199 (1995)

      The General Assembly,
      Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights, the Vienna
Declaration and Programme of Action and other human rights instruments,
      Reaffirming that all Member States have the duty to fulfil the
obligations they have freely undertaken under the various international
instruments in this field,
      Mindful that Nigeria is a party to the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights,
      Expressing concern that the absence of representative government in
Nigeria has led to violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and
recalling in this regard the popular support for democratic rule as evidenced
in the 1993 elections,
      Noting with interest that the Government of Nigeria, on 1 October 1995,
affirmed the principle of multi-party democracy, announcing its intent to
accept the principle of power-sharing, lift the ban on political activity and
the press, devolve power to local levels of government and subordinate the
military to civilian authority, but disappointed that only limited action in
this regard has followed,
      Noting with alarm the recent arbitrary executions of nine persons,
namely Ken Saro-Wiwa, Barinem Kiobel, Saturday Dobee, Paul Levura, Nordu Eawo,
Felix Nwate, Daniel Gbokoo, John Kpuimen and Baribor Bera,
      Noting the decision of the heads of Government of the Commonwealth
countries to suspend Nigeria from membership in the Commonwealth,
      Noting also the decisions of the European Union, as well as those of
other States or groups of States with regard to Nigeria,
      Deeply concerned about the human rights situation in Nigeria and the
suffering caused thereby to the people of Nigeria,
      1.    Condemns the arbitrary execution, after a flawed judicial process,
of Ken Saro-Wiwa and his eight co-defendants, and emphasizes that everyone
charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until
proved guilty according to law in a public trial with all the guarantees
necessary for defence;
      2.    Expresses its deep concern about other violations of human rights
and fundamental freedoms in Nigeria, and calls upon the Government of Nigeria
urgently to ensure their observance, in particular by restoring habeas corpus,
releasing all political prisoners, guaranteeing freedom of the press and
ensuring full respect for the rights of all individuals, including trade
unionists and persons belonging to minorities;
      3.    Calls upon the Government of Nigeria to abide by its freely
undertaken obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights and other international instruments on human rights;
      4.    Urges the Government of Nigeria to take immediate and concrete
steps to restore democratic rule;
      5.    Welcomes the decisions by the Commonwealth and other States
individually or collectively to take various actions designed to underline to
the Government of Nigeria the importance of return to democratic rule and
observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and expresses the hope
that these actions and other possible actions by other States, consistent with
international law, will encourage the Government of Nigeria to achieve that
specific purpose;
      6.    Invites the Commission on Human Rights at its fifty-second session
to give urgent attention to the situation of human rights in Nigeria, and
recommends, in this regard, that its relevant mechanisms, in particular the
Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, report
to the Commission prior to its fifth-third session;
      7.    Requests the Secretary-General, in the discharge of his good
offices mandate and in cooperation with the Commonwealth, to undertake
discussions with the Government of Nigeria and to report on progress in the
implementation of the present resolution and on the possibilities for the
international community to offer practical assistance to Nigeria in achieving
the restoration of democratic rule.



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