Review of the implementation of the Declaration on Strengthening of International Security, G.A. res. 47/60, 47 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at 80, U.N. Doc. A/47/49 (1992).


Review of the implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 2734 (XXV) of 16 December 1970 on the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security, as well as all its resolutions on the review of the implementation of the Declaration,

Bearing in mind the final documents of the Tenth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries, held at Jakarta from 1 to 6 September 1992,

Expressing its firm belief that disarmament, the relaxation of international tension, respect for international law and for the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, especially the principles of the sovereign equality of States and the peaceful settlement of disputes and the injunction to refrain from the use or threat of use of force in international relations, respect for the right to self-determination and national independence, economic and social development, the eradication of all forms of domination and respect for basic human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the need for preserving the environment, are closely related and provide the basis for an enduring and stable universal peace and security,

Welcoming the recent positive changes in the international landscape, characterized by the end of the cold war, the relaxation of tensions on the global level and the emergence of a new spirit governing relations among nations,

Welcoming also the wide-ranging dialogue between the Russian Federation and the United States of America, with its positive effects on world developments, and expressing its hope that these developments will lead to the renunciation of strategic doctrines based on the use of nuclear weapons and to the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, thereby making a real contribution to global security,

Expressing the hope that the positive trends that started in Europe, where a new system of security and cooperation is being built through the process of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, will continue and will encourage similar trends in other parts of the world,

Expressing at the same time its serious concern over the persistence of tensions and conflicts and the emergence of new threats to international peace and security and its support for all efforts towards a peaceful and just resolution of hotbeds of crisis in the world, including further military disengagement,

Stressing the need for the strengthening of international security through disarmament, particularly nuclear disarmament leading to the elimination of all nuclear weapons, and restraints on the qualitative and quantitative escalation of the arms race,

Stressing also the growing importance of the relationship between disarmament and development in current international relations,

Recognizing that peace and security are dependent on socio-economic factors as well as on political and military elements,

Also recognizing that the right and responsibility for making the world safe for all should be shared by all,

Stressing further that the United Nations is the fundamental instrument for regulating international relations and resolving global problems for the maintenance and effective promotion of peace and security, disarmament and social and economic development,

1. Reaffirms the continuing validity of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security, and calls upon all States to contribute effectively to its implementation;

2. Reaffirms also that all States must respect, in their international relations, the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations;

3. Emphasizes that, until an enduring and stable universal peace based on a comprehensive, viable and readily implementable structure of international security is established, peace, the achievement of disarmament and the settlement of disputes by peaceful means continue to be the first and foremost task of the international community;

4. Calls upon all States to refrain from the use or threat of use of force, aggression, intervention, interference, all forms of terrorism, suppression, foreign occupation or measures of political and economic coercion that violate the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and security of other States, as well as the permanent sovereignty of peoples over their natural resources;

5. Recognizes, among other things, the validity of the concepts of confidence-building measures, particularly in regions of high tension, balanced security at lower levels of armaments and armed forces, as well as the elimination of destabilizing military capabilities and imbalances;

6. Calls for regional dialogues, where appropriate, to promote security and economic, environmental, social and cultural cooperation, taking into account the particular characteristics of each region;

7. Stresses the importance of global and regional approaches to disarmament, which should be pursued simultaneously to promote regional and international peace and security;

8. Reaffirms the fundamental role of the United Nations in the maintenance of international peace and security, and expresses the hope that it will continue to address all threats to international peace and security in accordance with the Charter;

9. Urges all States to take further immediate steps aimed at promoting and using effectively the system of collective security as envisaged in the Charter, as well as halting effectively the arms race with the aim of achieving general and complete disarmament under effective international control;

10. Stresses also the urgent need for more balanced development of the world economy and for redressing the current asymmetry and inequality in economic and technological development between the developed and developing countries, which are basic prerequisites for the strengthening of international peace and security;

11. Considers that respect for and promotion of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the recognition of the inalienable right of peoples to self-determination and independence, will strengthen international peace and security, and reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples under foreign occupation and their inalienable right to self-determination and independence;

12. Reaffirms that the democratization of international relations is an imperative necessity, and stresses its belief that the United Nations offers the best framework for the promotion of this goal;

13. Invites Member States to submit their views on the question of the implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security, particularly in the light of recent positive developments in the global political and security climate, and requests the Secretary-General to submit a report to the General Assembly at its forty-eighth session on the basis of the replies received;

14. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-eighth session the item entitled "Review of the implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security".

81st plenary meeting
9 December 1992


Maintenance of international security

The General Assembly,

Noting that, with the end of the era of the cold war and of bipolar confrontation, the United Nations faces new tasks in the areas of maintaining international peace and security and achieving social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Aspiring to promote a greater convergence of views among Member States as to the priorities of the United Nations in shaping a more stable international order,

Noting with appreciation that the Secretary-General submitted ideas and proposals in his report entitled "An Agenda for Peace", in particular dealing with the strengthening and enhancement of the effectiveness, within the framework and in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, of the United Nations potential in the area of preventive diplomacy, peacemaking, peace-keeping and post-conflict peace-building,

Noting also the ideas and proposals of the Secretary-General contained in his report entitled "New dimensions of arms regulation and disarmament in the post-cold war era",

1. Decides to continue consideration of the question of maintenance of international security, taking into account new international realities and new tasks before the United Nations in the area of strengthening collective efforts to maintain international peace and security;

2. Invites all Member States to provide their views on further consideration of the question of maintenance of international security, taking into account, inter alia, appropriate provisions of the reports of the Secretary-General entitled "An Agenda for Peace" and "New dimensions of arms regulation and disarmament in the post-cold war era", and requests the Secretary-General to submit a relevant report to the General Assembly at its forty-eighth session;

3. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-eighth session an item entitled "Maintenance of international security".

81st plenary meeting
9 December 1992

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