United Nations Institute for Training and Research, G.A. res. 47/227, 47 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 49) at ?, U.N. Doc. A/47/49 (1992).

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 46/180 of 19 December 1991,

Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General and of the Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, and taking into account the statements made before the Second Committee of the General Assembly on the Institute,

Noting the steps taken by the Secretary-General to restructure the Institute,

Recognizing the continuing importance and relevance of the interdisciplinary training functions within the United Nations system and the need to respond to the new challenges facing the United Nations and to meet the growing training requirements of Member States and staff in the United Nations system,

Recognizing that, in the context of the ongoing restructuring of the United Nations, the overall capacity of the United Nations in research and data-gathering should be enhanced,

Acknowledging that a restructured Institute should continue to develop a more structured relationship with relevant national and international institutions,

Reaffirming that the Institute should focus on providing training programmes and research activities related to training,

1. Decides that, in accordance with the recommendations of the Secretary-General, the building of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research shall be immediately transferred to the United Nations in return for the cancellation of the debt of the Institute and coverage of its financial obligations for 1992;

2. Also decides that, in accordance with the recommendations of the high-level Consultant, as approved by the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and by the Secretary-General in his report, the headquarters of the Institute shall be transferred to Geneva and requests the Secretary-General to designate a liaison officer to organize and coordinate the existing training programmes and research activitess relating to training in New York, within existing resources, drawing as appropriate on the services of senior fellows who shall be funded from voluntary contributions to the Institute;

3. Further decides that, as at 1 January 1993, the funding of all the administrative budget and the training programmes of the Institute shall be covered from voluntary contributions, donations, special-purpose grants and executing agency overheads;

4. Invites the international community to make voluntary contributions to the restructured Institute, in particular to its General Fund, so as to assure its viability;

5. Decides that the funding of training programmes held at the specific request of Member States of the United Nations and members of other United Nations system organs and specialized agencies should be arranged by the requesting parties;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to explore further closer cooperations between the Institute and other qualified national and internatiional institutions, including, inter alia, the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization, at Turin, Italy, in order to enable the United Nations system to respond to the increasing training needs at both the international and the national level in the most cost-effective manner and in the best interests of the participating Member States;

7. Invites the Secretary-General, in the context of the ongoing restructuring process of the United Nations, to continue his work on a comprehensive review of the search capacity of the United Nations system and to make proposals for the enhancement of that capacity, including the possibility of transferring the non-training related research functions of the Institute to other appropriate United Nations bodies, such as the United Nations University, and the possibility of promoting cooperation mechanisms with other relevant national and international research institutes;

8. Invites the Institute to improve its cooperatinn with relevant national, regional and international institutes that can contribute to fulfilling its training and related research needs in the field of international relations and in response to the new challenges facing the United Nations;

9. Urges the Institute to improve its collaboration with the United Nations and its funds and programmes;

10. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its forty-eighth session a report on the arrangements mentioned above.

98th plenary meeting
8 April 1993

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