University of Minnesota

Conclusions and recommendations of the Committee on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights,
Philippines, U.N. Doc. E/C.12/1995/7 (1994).

216. The Committee considered, at its 21st meeting on 17 May, the information submitted by the Government of the Philippines in response to the request made by the Committee at its ninth session, and, at its 28th meeting on 20 May 1994, adopted the following decision.

217. The Committee expresses its appreciation to the Government of the Philippines for the timely and detailed written replies it has submitted and for its readiness and willingness to cooperate with the Committee.

218. The Committee notes with satisfaction that the Government of the Philippines has undertaken to provide the Committee with more complete information on the issues identified by the Committee with respect to the right to housing in its second periodic report on the implementation of articles 10 to 12 of the Covenant, which it has pledged to submit before the eleventh session of the Committee.

219. The Committee also notes with satisfaction the declaration made by the representative of the Philippines to the effect that the written report would be presented to the Committee by experts in the field of housing rights.

220. The Committee recommends that the report now being prepared by the Government of the Philippines should, in accordance with requests made by Committee members, address the issues identified in the written information submitted to the Committee by the Habitat International Coalition and in the information provided to the Committee on 2 May 1994 by the representatives of the Urban Poor Associates, a local non-governmental organization, with respect to article 11 (right to housing) of the Covenant.

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