University of Minnesota

Conclusions and recommendations of the Committee on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights,
U.N. Doc. E/1995/22, paras. 159-164 (1994).

159. The Committee considered the initial report of Kenya (E/1990/5/Add.17) at its 12th meeting on 9 May and, at its 28th meeting on 20 May 1994, adopted the following decision.

160. The Committee appreciates the willingness of the Government of Kenya to present a report to the Committee and to engage in a dialogue with it. Having considered the information contained in the initial report and the oral replies to questions raised, the Committee decides to request the State party to prepare a new comprehensive report which follows the Committee's guidelines on reporting.

161. The Committee further recommends that the new report should take into account the points raised during its dialogue with the State party at the tenth session.

162. The report should also address the points made in the concluding observations adopted by the Committee at its eighth session on the state of implementation by Kenya of the economic, social and cultural rights provided for in the Covenant as contained in document E/C.12/1993/6.

163. The Committee considers that the preparation of the new report would permit it to engage in a more constructive and fruitful dialogue with the State party and requests that the new report be submitted by the end of 1994.

164. In the context of the preparation of the new report, the Committee also welcomes the request of the delegation to receive technical assistance from the Centre for Human Rights for this purpose. In view of the foregoing, the Committee recommends that the Centre for Human Rights should provide the necessary assistance to the State party from its technical assistance and advisory services programme.


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